
Herbs and Spices

Basil Egypt

Egyptian Basil

crushed dry basil, Green color.

Celery leaves Egypt

Egyptian Celery leaves

crushed Leaves – Color Green.

Cilantro leaves Egypt

Egyptian Cilantro leaves

dried by sun or mechanically.

Dill Egypt

Egyptian Dill

dark green, with aromatic taste.

Jews mallow Egypt

Egyptian Jews mallow

generally eaten cooked.

Lemon grass Egypt

Egyptian Lemon grass

yellowish green, regular Cut.

Marjoram Egypt

Egyptian Marjoram

color is Green & Grey Leaves.

Parsley Egypt

Egyptian Parsley

color is very nice Green.

Peppermint Egypt

Egyptian Peppermint

Dark green to greyish green.

Rosemary Egypt

Egyptian Rosemary

is a woody, perennial herb.

Spearmint Egypt

Egyptian Spearmint

nice green, with a nice smell.

Egyptian Thyme

Egyptian Thyme

green ash to brownish green.