
Egyptian Fresh Lime


Egyptian Fresh Lime fruits (HS Code: 080530)

Egyptian fresh lime is a citrus fruit that is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
This tangy and versatile fruit is an essential ingredient in many cuisines and beverages, and its high vitamin C and antioxidant content make it a powerful tool for maintaining good health.
Egyptian fresh lime is a sour lime, which is the fruit of a tree that belongs to citrus fruits and is usually round in shape, small compared to lemons, green in color and rich in vitamin C.
Egyptian fresh lime is a hybrid citrus fruit that is typically smaller and less sour than lemons, although varieties may differ in sugar and acidic content.
It is an excellent source of vitamin C and is often used to accent the flavors of foods and beverages.
Lime juice and its natural oils are very beneficial for skin when consumed orally or applied externally.
It rejuvenates the skin, keeps it shining, protects it from infections, and reduces body odor due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C and flavonoids.

Import Egyptian Lime fruits

If you are looking for Egyptian suppliers to import lime, Erapick Company is one of the leaders of exporting lime from Egypt. The product specification for Egyptian fresh lime includes the following:

Egyptian Fresh Lime fruits description

Egyptian fresh lime is a tangy and nutritious fruit that has been valued for its culinary and medicinal properties for thousands of years.
Its high vitamin C and antioxidant content make it a powerful tool for maintaining good health, and its unique flavor profile makes it a versatile ingredient in many dishes and beverages.
By importing Egyptian fresh lime, you can bring a new and exciting flavor to your business and offer your customers a nutritious and delicious ingredient.
With its health benefits and culinary versatility, Egyptian fresh lime is a fruit worth exploring and incorporating into your business offerings.

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